Sunday, January 11, 2015

Comings & Goings

Hi everyone (and happy New Year!)

I apologize for the major lack of activity. Illness and the demand of daily life has made it hard for me to get any access to the laptop! I promise that my life has only begun to be documented on this blog... trust me, I cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed in the past few months. Be on the look out for some new posts in the coming week. I'll be around!


ALSO: I'd like to thank Meg over at MyLifeinPurpleandPlastic for being my very first follower! Thank you!


  1. You're totally welcome, and no pressure about updating... I'm still writing about May, hahaha!

    Meg <3

  2. Hi, Rapunzel!! :-). I just discovered your blog yesterday, and I am really enjoying reading it. Really, though, please don't feel pressure for updating. Until yesterday, I hadn't updated since October on my blog! ;-)

    ~ Snow

  3. Thanks MyLittleMegara & Snow! It's great knowing there's not a ton of pressure to update. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed thinking about how long it's been. I skipped forward to today, but perhaps I'll still blog about some of the things that have happened over the past few months.
